
Jade Kake

Ngāpuhi, Te Whakatōhea, Ngāti Whakaue

Kua whakakīia te puka e au. Kua āpiti au i taku whakaahua, anei taku tuhinga kīwhaiaro poto e pā ana ki a au -

Jade Kake is an architectural designer and writer. Of Māori and Dutch descent, her tribal affiliations are Ngāpuhi, Te Whakatōhea and Ngāti Whakaue. She is the founder of Matakohe Architecture and Urbanism, and a part-time lecturer at Huri Te Ao, the School of Future Environments at AUT.

Jade is the author of Checkerboard Hill (Huia Publishers, 2023), Rewi: Āta haere, kia tere with co-author Jeremy Hansen (Massey University Press, 2023) and Rebuilding the Kāinga: Lessons from Te Ao Hurihuri (Bridget Williams Books, 2019).

She is a frequent contributor to magazines and books on housing, architecture and design. She received the Emerging Māori Writer’s Residency at the Michael King Writers Centre in 2019, she was a participant on Te Papa Tupu writers’ mentoring programme in 2020, and in 2021 she received the Copyright Licensing New Zealand and New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa Writers’ Award.

He kaihoahoa whare me he kaituhi a Jade Kake. Ki te taha o tōnā māmā, nō Ngāpuhi, Te Whakatōhea, me Ngāti Whakaue ia. Ki te taha o tōnā pāpā, nō Hōrana ia. Ko ia te kaihautū o Matakohe Hoahoanga me Tōpū Pā, waihoki whakaako hangere ai ia i te kura o Huri Te Ao ki Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makaurau.

Ko ia te kaituhi o Checkerboard Hill (Huia Publishers, 2023), o Rewi: Āta haere, kia tere (Massey University Press, 2023) ki te taha o Jeremy Hansen, o Rebuilding the Kāinga: Lessons from Te Ao Hurihuri (Bridget Williams Books, 2019). Tuhituhi ai ia i ngā tuhinga mō ngā maheni me ngā pukapuka e pā ana ki ngā whare, mahi hoahoanga whare, me te mahi hoahoa noa iho.

I whiwhi ia i te akoranga noho mō ngā kaituhi Māori hōu ki te Michael King Writers Centre i te tau 2019, he kaiuru o Te Papa Tupu i te tau 2020, waihoki i te tau 2021 i whiwhi ai ia i te tohu kaituhi o te Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa.

Ngā mihi


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